
Home Tour

Early Fall Decorating

Love decorating for fall early? Here are some simple ideas to get you ready for those warm and cozy fall vibes. Our time in San Diego, CA, is ending; this will be our last year celebrating the holidays here in our little Camp Pendleton military base home. We've made so many great memories and had some amazing adventures. I've had such a fun tim[...]

Christmas Home Tour 2022

Happy Holidays everyone and welcome to my Christmas Home Tour 2022! If you are coming from Jenn's blog Clean & Scentsible, welcome to my little blog! If you are just joining in, today and tomorrow we will be sharing our Christmas homes as part of The Happy Housie’s Seasonal Simplicity Christmas Series. Don't forget to visit the rest of the[...]

Summer Home Tour 2022

Welcome to my summer home tour! The kids are on summer break and the weather is finally warming up. Believe it or not but it's been "chilly" here in San Diego the last couple of weeks. The kids and I can't wait for the weather too warm up so we can enjoy the beach. There will be a lot of beach days this summer for us. I've been switching thing[...]

Fall Home Tour 2021

Pumpkin spice and everything nice, we have officially welcomed fall into our home! Today is the last day, of a week-long Seasonal Simplicity Fall Home Tours hosted by my sweet friend Krista of The Happy Housie. The week-long home tours are linked below, I hope you get a chance to check them out. If you are stopping by from Joanna Anastasia charming[...]