

Okinawa Summer Home Tour 2017

It officially feels like home now that we are all settled in! We've been having some rain and preparing for typhoon season, but overall I've been enjoying the weather. Summer is upon us and my babies will soon be on summer vacation... believe it or not I'm just as excited as they are lol! That means that there will be many sandy toes and salty kisses b[...]


A Field Of Cosmos

Last month I took a little road trip with my babies to see some farm lands. To me exploring is taking long drives and get lost along the way lol... yes, I get lost all the time. My husband saids I have no sense of direction and I totally agree, but the fun part about getting lost here in Japan is that you will always end up somewhere magical! I serious[...]

Japanese Tea

It's almost summer and I haven't started to work on or decorate our back patio. It's rather small but I've learned to love small spaces, everything seems so much cozier. I plan to convert our small patio into a garden... yes a garden! I'm picturing plants, beautiful flowers, a small area to grow vegetables or fruit and I plan to get a potted lemon tr[...]

DIY Seashell Candles

Slowly but surely our home has been transforming from farmhouse to coastal cottage and I've been dying to make beach inspired crafts. This could be one of my favorite little projects, it's so simple and a wonderful way to make use of the seashells we've collected through out the more[...]